Car Wont Start Just Clicks – Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of turning the key in your car and hearing only a clicking sound, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that many drivers face, and it can be caused by a variety of issues. In this section, we’ll provide you with some troubleshooting tips to help you diagnose and fix the problem. Whether it’s a faulty battery, a damaged starter motor, a defective ignition switch, or something else entirely, we’ll help you get to the bottom of it. So, let’s get started and get your Car wont start just clicks.

When your car won’t start and only produces a clicking noise, it’s important to act quickly to identify the issue. By using the tips and tricks we provide in this section, you’ll be able to diagnose and repair the issue with your vehicle. Don’t let a clicking sound keep you from hitting the road. Read on to learn more about troubleshooting your car when it won’t start.

Check the Battery

If your car won’t start and all you hear is a clicking sound, the first thing you should check is the battery. It’s a crucial component that powers the electrical systems in your vehicle. You need to ensure that the battery terminals are clean and securely connected. Corrosion is a common cause of connection issues. If you notice any corrosion, use a battery cleaning solution and a wire brush to clean the terminals and ensure a stable connection.

If the battery voltage is low, jump-starting your car or charging the battery may help. However, if the battery is old or damaged, it may not hold a charge and might need to be replaced. You can test your battery yourself or have it tested at a professional auto shop. Remember, a well-maintained battery is essential for the proper functioning of your car.

Inspect the Starter Motor

If your car’s battery is in good condition but you still hear a clicking sound when trying to start the engine, the next component to check is the starter motor.

Inspect the starter for any loose connections or damaged wires leading to it. These issues can prevent the necessary electrical current from reaching the motor, causing it to malfunction. You can also try tapping the starter gently with a wrench or a hammer to see if it responds. If tapping the starter temporarily resolves the issue, it may be a sign that the starter motor is failing and needs to be replaced.

Replacing the starter motor can be challenging and time-consuming, so it is best to seek professional assistance if you are not comfortable performing the repair yourself.

Check the Ignition Switch

If your car won’t start, and you hear a clicking sound, the ignition switch could be the culprit. Check if all the interior lights and other electrical components are functioning properly. If they are not, it could be an indication of a defective ignition switch. The switch could be damaged or loose. Due to the complexity of the ignition switch, it is better to have it examined by a professional. They can either repair or replace it, ensuring your car starts without hassles.

Examine the Fusible Links and Relays

If your car won’t start and all you hear is a clicking sound, another component to examine is the fusible links and relays. These are responsible for directing the electrical current to the starter. When these components fail, they can prevent the necessary electrical flow, causing your car to make clicking sounds.

Inspect the fusible links and relays for any signs of damage or corrosion. If you find any damage, replace the damaged components with new ones to restore proper electrical flow and eliminate the clicking sounds.

By examining the fusible links and relays, you can troubleshoot the issue and get your car running again. However, if you are uncertain about how to proceed, seeking professional assistance is always recommended as they have the necessary knowledge and tools to diagnose and fix the issue effectively.

Seek Professional Assistance

If you have followed the troubleshooting tips and checked the battery, starter motor, ignition switch, fusible links, and relays, but your car still won’t start and only makes clicking sounds, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance.

An experienced mechanic can perform advanced electrical tests and inspections to help diagnose and fix the problem with your car. They know how to identify the root cause of the issue and provide you with a comprehensive solution that gets your vehicle up and running again.

Trying to fix the issue on your own could lead to more damage, resulting in costly repairs and even longer downtime. Avoid this headache and bring your car down to a trusted mechanic to have the problem quickly resolved.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health, safety and maintenance of your vehicle.